
The criteria for candidate recommendations:

1) Does the candidate support a pro-life agenda,
neither candidate supports a pro-life agenda therefore most qualified candidate was recommended or no candidate will be recommended.  

2) Which candidate is most qualified.  If neither candidate then no recommendation. 

 3) Who can win in the general election.

Disclosure: I do not have a personal or business friendship /relationship with any of the candidates I endorsed. I do not expect anything in return for endorsing them. These candidates are chosen based on the three criteria listed. Ask other endorsing organization to disclose this information to ensure unbiased endorsements.

2024 General Election Candidate: For example in 2022 Karen Pittman stated multiple times she was pro-life. However she then betrayed the Republican Platform and lied to constituents when she voted against the Heartbeat Bill.  There is no reason on earth she could give to support her decision- chose to vote No.  God does not compromise neither should we.  God will hold her accountable.  Don't vote for anyone in that race if you want a clean conscience in November.   

I realize we don't agree with every position a candidate takes but hopefully we can put our differences aside and vote for Life.  Look at these elections through God's eyes... Many of the issues can be compromised and negotiated but Life cannot be comprised.   

 “These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." 20John 16:33

AMENDMENTS- Help protect Florida VOTE NO ON ALL AMENDMENTS-None of these amendments should be permanently adopted in our state constitution.  VOTE NO ON ALL AMENDMENTS.


RPOF County Guides

STATEWIDE GENERAL ELECTION   VBM goes out October 3rd   Early Vote Varies by County General Election Day Nov. 5, 2024

Click on images for larger view.     Print and share versions

Hillsborough Print and share version
JPG  image for larger view

Pinellas: Printable Version pdf 

Proposed Charter Amendments 
Pinellas Ballot

Polk-  print and share here 

Supervisor of Elections website - Sample Ballot


PDF  Pasco-  print and share here





Voting Resources


FRC Action (Family Research Council)

Based in Washington, D.C., FRC Action is the legislative affiliate of Family Research Council. We seek to educate and influence elected officials on Capitol Hill and in the states, activate our grassroots network, and mobilize Values Voters on behalf of faith, family, and freedom. FRC Action is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit and was founded in 1992. Tony Perkins  

Take Action     Scorecards   Party Platforms    i voter guide partner

Action Alert Resources, Party Platform, Voter Guide, National, State, Scorecards

Susan B Anthony List

SBA combines politics with policy, investing heavily in voter education to insure that pro-life Americans know where their lawmakers stand on protecting the unborn, and in issue advocacy, advancing pro-life laws through direct lobbying and grassroots campaigns.  

Emily List support Pro-Abortion Candidates and actively recruits and trains them. VOTE NO to anyone on the Emily or Florida's Ruth's List.

Susan B. Anthony's Pro-Life List        Sign up for Take Action

Verify the candidate you want is not on Ruth's List Pro- Abortion List

Legislative, Candidates, Voter Guide, National, State, Action Alert Resources
5 Non-Negotiables- Issues

Based on Church teachings, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Encyclicals of the Pope, and issue papers from the Office of the Doctrine of the Faith, the following five issues concern actions that are intrinsically evil and must never be promoted by the law.

Intrinsically evil actions are those that fundamentally conflict with the moral law and can never be performed under any circumstances. It is a serious sin to deliberately endorse or promote any of these actions, and no person who really wants to advance the common good will support any action contrary to the non-negotiable principles involved in these issues.

1. Abortion, 2. Euthanasia 3. Embryonic Stem Cell Research 4. Human Cloning 5. Homosexual "Marriage"

Voter Guide, Voting, 5 Non-negotiables, Catholic Vote

All Life League

As Catholics, we have an obligation not just to vote, but to vote for candidates who do not openly support evil policies. Further, we have an obligation to challenge existing “Catholic” politicians to refrain from advocating laws that condone intrinsically evil practices.

Voter Guide

American Family Associate

The mission of the American Family Association is to inform, equip, and activate individuals to strengthen the moral foundations of American culture, and give aid to the church here and abroad in its task of fulfilling the Great Commission.

Action Alerts-  Various Life Issues (Not Legislative)

Ivoter Guide

National, State, Voter Guide

Faith and Freedom Coalition

We believe that the greatness of America lies not in the federal government but in the character of our people — the simple virtues of faith, hard work, marriage, family, personal responsibility, and helping the least among us. If we lose sight of these values, America will cease to be great.

  • Mobilize and train people of faith to be effective citizens
  • Speak out in the public arena and in the media on behalf of Christian values
  • Influence legislation and enact sound public policy at every level of government
  • Train citizens for effective civic action
  • Protest bigotry and discrimination against people of faith

National, State, Voting
Florida Bar

Verify a Lawyers standing and ability to practice law in Florida

Voting, Florida, Judge

James Madison Institute

Trusted Solutions for a Better Florida: Through outreach and education, we seek to advance public policy solutions that provide the citizens of Florida greater access to economic opportunities in pursuit of the lives they desire.  2020 Amendments 


Open Secrets
Open Secrets

Look up finances of candidates, parties, individuals, PACs, congressional races... party donations....

2020 Election, Voting

Priest for LIfe

These five current issues concern actions that are intrinsically evil and must never be promoted by the law. Intrinsically evil actions are those that fundamentally conflict with the moral law and can never be deliberately performed under any circumstances. Includes party platforms, ivoter powered, candidate information...

Catholic, 5 Non-negotiables
United Christian of Florida, Case details

United Christians of Florida- License was revoked in 2019
Details of case:  UCF vs State of Florida, Elections Division

Voter Guide

Vote Smart

Vote Smart's mission is to provide freefactualunbiased information on candidates and elected officials to ALL Americans.  Put in a elected officials and candidates find out their voting record, ratings, positions, funding.  

National, State Specific, Voter Guide
Voter's Guide for Serious Catholics

Catholic Answers Press

Voting, 5 Non-negotiables, Catholic