Although we defeated the amendments it won't be the last time we see them as constitutional amendments unless we continue God's work to protect life.
Amendments permanently change a state's constitution. Legislators have a chance to 'interpret' the amendment but their ability to add restrictions or limits to an amendment is nearly impossible. For example, the 'medical' marijuana amendment passed several years ago can be smoked and has no THC limits. They are for citizens to put initiatives on the ballot HOWEVER recently it has become a way of big industries, politicians, or political action groups to spend millions of dollars to mislead the public and get their agenda embedded in state constitutions. This year 4 amendments are from the legislators (instead of working to pass these bills they put them on the ballot) and Amendment 3 are organizations (to include big tobacco... and others) who have joined big marijuana and have spend over 100,000 million dollars to get marijuana legalized in Florida. Amendment 4 is another highly profitable industry- the abortion industry lying about Florida's current law to get people to vote for late-term abortions.
AMENDMENT 4- “What can You do to Prevent the Abortion Amendment from passing in Florida?” |
AMENDMENT 3- No Personal Freedoms to tell people 'Don't smoke in my space'. |
GRASSROOTS MESSAGING... Excellent grassroots marketing tools- handout, leave in stores, on cars driver windows....
If you don't have a local printer please contact me. embracelife911@gmail.com
To order and have shipped Flemingad@tampabay.rr.com or call 813-966-5925
Florida will be the Destination State for Abortions and the Pot Capitol of the South if these amendments pass.
Amendment 3 & 4 Business 'Educational' Cards- 3.5 x 5 great for grassroots marketing see above for ideas. Format PDF FOR LOCAL PRINTERS Easy to print yourself: Print 4/page Print 2/page Side 1 SIDE 2 |
Flyers can be printed front and back with both amendments - great for meeting |
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