School Board

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Ballotpedia- School Board info
Mom Speaks the Truth at School Board in NC
  • There is one and only one goal for the educational system… to prepare children to enter careers to be productive members of society …. We are trying to figure out how to make our children as successful as possible.  It is not a counseling session, not a place to ‘find yourself’ … we should not be led by the children.

  • Children are dependents- they depend on use who are supposed to have fully developed brains, you cannot feel your way through life, 

  • Less than 5% of the entire population  identifies as LGBTQ….You all claim you want democracy … that is the majority 50% plus 1 … More than 50% of people claim to believe in God who made us male and female. you are discussing with our children things that are not emotionally, intellectually, or morally, able to handle that is what is causing the anxiety, depression, and confusion. ...

Take Back Our Schools

Our mission is to take back our schools from the Woke education establishment and return education to its proper function of focusing on academic skills and knowledge that are required to support and sustain our Democratic Republic.

Woke education is dominated by critical race theory and shaping the attitudes, values and beliefs of children to achieve a new Godless global society, a loss of our national identity, individuality and freedom.

Coalition For Parental Rights

SUPPORT PARENTAL RIGHTS IN SCHOOLS   Protect our Children. Support Parental Rights.

Capitol Resource Institute

Reclaim Parental Rights -Schools Should Not Keep Secrets from Parents

We are a leading non-profit organization working to preserve and advance a culture of traditional family values.


Ethnic Studies (CRT)

This mandatory Salinas Union High School District Ethnic Studies Curriculum was obtained through a California Public Records Act (CPRA) request through Kelly’s attorney.
This is provided solely for viewing and public transparency.

Ten Components of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC)

WSCC - Beware- These models are value system replacement models... taking the role of parents.

In 2013, the ASCD (formerly known as the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development) and the CDC came together to develop the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model. The WSCC model builds upon the traditional CSH model to emphasize greater alignment between health and educational outcomes.


New Study Finds Multiple Problems with Push for Social-Emotional Learning in K-12 Education

BOSTON – Social-emotional learning (SEL) has been billed as a transformational tool that will propel students to greater academic achievement and personal fulfillment.  Unfortunately, as a new Pioneer Institute study on social-emotional leaning makes clear, the research evidence to back up these claims is thin and unpersuasive. Moreover, the risks SEL poses to student privacy and health are significant.

Brainwashed America Parts One & Two

Dozens show up to oppose sex education curriculum for Hillsborough schools

TAMPA — Incensed by the Hillsborough County School Board’s choice of sex education curriculum in September, more than 3,000 parents and other residents petitioned the district in hopes of forcing a change.

On Thursday, dozens of the objectors urged an independent hearing officer to recommend that the board drop its choice and start over. They told retired judge Claudia Isom that the curriculum did not encourage abstinence-based lessons, as state law requires if sex education is taught, and that many of the materials are inappropriate for students in seventh through ninth grades.

Leadership Training

The Leadership Institute announces the launch of a new program to train the next generation of conservative candidates for the nation’s school boards....fundraising, grassroots campaigning, developing skills, networking....

Moms For America

Moms for America® is a national movement of mothers to reclaim our culture for truth, family, freedom and the Constitution. There is hope for America, and it is you. Together we have the power to heal our nation from the inside out!

Florida Citizen Alliance

Legislation Action, community involvement, education solutions- Excellent website for Floridians and other states to model.  School rankings, replace common core, help parents navigate bullying in schools, Hope Scholarship...MUST SEE THIS TO BELIEVE IT . Does your school have porn  in its library or media center?  If so, why... let's get it removed!  Education Action Alerts

Child Parent

Legal Representation, Advocacy, Activism!  

  1. Educate yourself
  2. Stand your ground
  3. Teach Your Children
  4. Do not be Intimidated 
  5. Use the  Law
    Excellent Brochure- downloadable

"Studies have shown that 69 to 98 percent of children will resolve conflicts between their feelings and their bodies by adulthood if not subjected to “gender affirmation treatments”.

Mount Vernon CSC School Board Meeting - 8/6/21

Parent/Doctor speaks to school board based on research and patient success not the CDC.  (should begin at 15:00 minutes)  EXCELLENT. 

2017 Florida School Boards Association

FSBA’s Legislative and Federal Platform is the cornerstone of FSBA’s governmental advocacy efforts.  All FSBA members may participate in the devleopment of the Platform by submitting proposals for items to be included in our Platform.

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