
Website Title Resource Summary
Internship with Heritage Foundation

The Young Leaders Program promotes the mission of The Heritage Foundation to the next generation by developing and implementing outreach to younger audiences. Apply now! 

FEE- Foundation for Economic Education

The Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) is a 501(c)3 educational foundation and has been trusted by parents and teachers since 1946 to captivate and inspire tomorrow’s leaders with sound economic principles and the entrepreneurial spirit with free online courses, top-rated in-person seminars, free books for classrooms, as well as relevant and worldly daily online content.

Gateways to Better Education

Gateways to Better Education is a nonprofit organization founded in 1991 to help public school educatorsparents and school leaders teach about the important contribution the Bible and Christianity make to the world. We show them how to do this legally and appropriately within existing constitutional boundaries, current laws, and state academic standards. 

We empower parents with tools to navigate the public schools so their children graduate with their faith and values intact. We guide school leaders in establishing policies and practices that protect academic and religious freedom.

Tuggie The Patriot Pup

“Tuggie, the Colonial Yorkshire Terrier, is an irresistible main character in this charming and realistic account inspired by America’s past. He is brave, honest, and a true patriot, as well as adorable. Tuggie, his friends, and their world will captivate readers from the moment they first encounter him at the Burning of the Gaspee in 1772, an event that took place in colonial Rhode Island and that led up to the Revolutionary War. Teachers and parents will appreciate how Tuggie and his ancestors’ adventures make United States history come alive for students of all ages.”

Gabb Wireless

The Gabb Phones protects kids while keeping them connected to family and friends. It gives parents peace of mind because it doesn’t have the Internet, social media or games.

Liberty Scholar

Empowering You To Create A Better Education For Your Child

Liberty Scholar is an online forum for parents and student influencers purposed to provide a solution to the failure of the American public education system. Liberty Scholar is a branch of Florida Citizens Alliance, primarily geared towards parents who are looking for a solution to their child’s educational needs. America is witnessing a dramatic change in K-12 education, due to COVID-19, and we are here to help you find the online courses, scholarships, and supplemental materials you need.

Child Parent

Legal Representation, Advocacy, Activism!  

  1. Educate yourself
  2. Stand your ground
  3. Teach Your Children
  4. Do not be Intimidated 
  5. Use the  Law
    Excellent Brochure- downloadable

"Studies have shown that 69 to 98 percent of children will resolve conflicts between their feelings and their bodies by adulthood if not subjected to “gender affirmation treatments”.

This Guide will help you:
  • Understand the transgender trend and its consequences
  • Understand the implications of transgender activism in schools
  • Communicate with school leaders
  • Advocate for common sense policies
  • Act with compassion toward everyone involved in the conversation
Powered by God

Interactive website for parents & teachers to help teach children about the importance of life. 

Life Matters- Videos for Children

Videos, Lessons, Interactive websites for children. Helping them understand the importance of life and what is life. 

Pam Stenzel Video- Abortion, STD, Abstinence
Pam Stenzel talks about abortion , sexual transmited diseases , abstination
Pam Stenzel

Let’s face it. Today’s teenagers are in a whole new arena when it comes to sexually transmitted diseases.They’re facing consequences that teens from previous generations couldn’t even imagine.That is why it is so important to make sure that today’s teens hear straight talk…about sex, about the consequences, about the life and death choices that they meet every single day.

Drawing from her personal story, as well as her visits with teens around the world, Pam talks about the consequences-both physical and emotional-of sex outside of marriage. It’s been her experience that, if given the facts, today’s young people are fully capable of making good, healthy decisions.

*** Heard her speak... excellent information presented in a lively, thought provoking presentation.

YouTube videos

Internet Protection Pornography

Freedom from Pornography      Tools for Parents     Resources for Adults   Covenant Eyes   Protection of Youth

Covenant Eyes Internet Accountablility and Filtering

How Internet Accountability Works:  Accountability is about relationships. It’s having a trusted friend (or parent) partner with you and help you overcome your struggles. Covenant Eyes supplies your partner with a Report of your Internet browsing. These Reports kickstart conversations that lead you to a porn-free life.

Integrity Restored

Our mission at Integrity Restored is to help restore the integrity of individuals, spouses, and families that have been affected by pornography and pornography addiction. Integrity Restored provides education, training, encouragement, and resources to break free from pornography, heal relationships, and to assist parents in preventing and responding to pornography exposure which is so devastating in the lives of our children. We are also a resource that trains and helps clergy in assisting families at the parish level, so that the domestic church truly becomes what it is, the human space in which we encounter Christ.


TFP Student Action

Networking with thousands of students and concerned parents, TFP Student Action defends traditional moral values on college campuses. Inspired by the teachings of the Holy Catholic Church, TFP volunteers are on the front lines of the culture war, working to restore the values of Christian civilization.

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