
Website Title Resource Summary
Step Up For Students- Scholarships

We empower Florida families to personalize their children’s education. Select a scholarship that will open the door to a private school, different public school, tutor, therapist, specialist and more.

2023 Legislative update

GuidED for Families

The school search process can be frustrating and confusing – but it doesn’t have to be. Our mission is to provide unbiased and trusted guidance to families by sharing the tools and information necessary to make the best educational choices for their children.

Go to Step Up For Students to apply for Scholarship 

DeSantisWarRoom- Education

"Florida must always be a great place to raise a family – we will enact more family-friendly policies to make it easier to raise children, and we will defend our children against those who seek to rob them of their innocence." - GRD

#TheFreeStateofFlorida #FLInauguration2023

Imprimis- Education as a Battleground
Gateways to Better Education

Gateways to Better Education is a nonprofit organization founded in 1991 to help public school educatorsparents and school leaders teach about the important contribution the Bible and Christianity make to the world. We show them how to do this legally and appropriately within existing constitutional boundaries, current laws, and state academic standards. 

We empower parents with tools to navigate the public schools so their children graduate with their faith and values intact. We guide school leaders in establishing policies and practices that protect academic and religious freedom.

Child Parent

Legal Representation, Advocacy, Activism!  

  1. Educate yourself
  2. Stand your ground
  3. Teach Your Children
  4. Do not be Intimidated 
  5. Use the  Law
    Excellent Brochure- downloadable

"Studies have shown that 69 to 98 percent of children will resolve conflicts between their feelings and their bodies by adulthood if not subjected to “gender affirmation treatments”.

Sorbo Family Studios

Join Sorbo Family Film Studio's fight to help keep America's faith and family values alive and accessible in today's current entertainment landscape.

Every film is “faith-based.” Every work of art is an expression of the artist’s beliefs and message. Films, like art, express the individual faith of, typically, the director, or sometimes the producers.

Also, go to SamSorbo for podcasts, books, show....

Florida Family Policy Council

Florida Family Policy Council (FFPC) is one of 38 other state-based policy councils around the country which are associated with Focus on the Family. Many of these organizations are the leading pro-life, pro-family organizations in their respective states. FFPC is a 501c3 non-profit corporation under the IRS tax code. We have an independent board of directors and are responsible for raising our own financial support.    Abortion Facts

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