Website Title Resource Summary
Ethnic Studies (CRT)

This mandatory Salinas Union High School District Ethnic Studies Curriculum was obtained through a California Public Records Act (CPRA) request through Kelly’s attorney.
This is provided solely for viewing and public transparency.

Gateways to Better Education

Gateways to Better Education is a nonprofit organization founded in 1991 to help public school educatorsparents and school leaders teach about the important contribution the Bible and Christianity make to the world. We show them how to do this legally and appropriately within existing constitutional boundaries, current laws, and state academic standards. 

We empower parents with tools to navigate the public schools so their children graduate with their faith and values intact. We guide school leaders in establishing policies and practices that protect academic and religious freedom.

Stop CRT Petition

Under the guise of teaching "history" Critical Race Theory (CRT) has infected our grade schools. This radical theory labels color blindness and the teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as racist and seeks to replace them with the idea that one's skin color determines whether you're oppressed or an oppressor.

Make no mistake about it, CRT is evil, racist, and must be expelled from our schools. And FreedomWorks is counting on you to help us do it.

Parents Know Best

Candidate Training, Action alerts, CRT strategies, coalitions statewide and national

Florida Citizen Alliance

Legislation Action, community involvement, education solutions- Excellent website for Floridians and other states to model.  School rankings, replace common core, help parents navigate bullying in schools, Hope Scholarship...MUST SEE THIS TO BELIEVE IT . Does your school have porn  in its library or media center?  If so, why... let's get it removed!  Education Action Alerts

Child Parent

Legal Representation, Advocacy, Activism!  

  1. Educate yourself
  2. Stand your ground
  3. Teach Your Children
  4. Do not be Intimidated 
  5. Use the  Law
    Excellent Brochure- downloadable

"Studies have shown that 69 to 98 percent of children will resolve conflicts between their feelings and their bodies by adulthood if not subjected to “gender affirmation treatments”.

Moms for Liberty

Our founders are Tiffany and Tina, moms on a mission to stoke the fires of liberty.  As former school board members, they witnessed how short-sighted and destructive policies directly hurt children and families. Now they are using their first-hand knowledge and experience to unite parents who are ready to fight those that stand in the way of liberty. 

Moms for Liberty is dedicated to fighting for the survival of America by unifying, educating and empowering parents to defend their parental rights at all levels of government. 

Great Resources- National Sex Education Standards, HOW TO SUBMIT AN OPEN RECORDS REQUEST, Leadership Institute for training. 

Citizens Renewing America- CRT State Tracker

Overview: There are now a number of states that are aggressively attempting to curb Critical Race Theory (CRT) and prevent it from being taught in the classroom or espoused by state agencies. Below is an up-to-date assessment of active or signed CRT bills.

Project 1619

Lies, Half-Truths, and Inconsistencies

Among the author’s many points about The 1619 Project are five major errors listed below.

1. 1619 removes American slavery from any context. It never acknowledges that slavery existed (and continues to exist) in other cultures, places and eras. For instance, it never mentions that slavery existed in the Americas long before any Europeans arrived. It does not point out that most Africans were initially enslaved by other Africans and then sold to European slave traders.

Protect our children project

Protect our children's innocence, privacy rights, and quality of education by supporting the family and encouraging community involvement.

Our vision is to provide every child with the protections necessary to develop a health person in spirit, mind and body. Protecting our children through educating and empowering the local community to have a positive, life-changing effect on the entities that influence our children and impact their futures is our purpose.

Act Against Anti Semitism

Campaign Against Antisemitism is a volunteer-led charity dedicated to exposing and countering antisemitism through education and zero-tolerance enforcement of the law. Everything that we do is done by people who volunteer their time, using donations contributed by members of the public. Join the fight against antisemitism by subscribing to our updates, volunteering, or donating.

Sovereign Nations

The purpose of Sovereign Nations is best understood as a prolegomenon to the formation of a new, and not just sentimental, conservative and Constitutional Republic. Sovereign Nations serves as an exploration of the intellectual viability of the conservative political habitat, with a view to establishing the groundwork for the construction and elaboration of a broader and more comprehensive vision for the movement in relation to the exegetical intent of our founders through our national founding documents.

Podcasts, videos... Twitter

Notes from presentation June 2021

  • Analyog- physical objective we are transitioning to digital subjective world
  • Public square is not a 10 x 5 screen
  • CRT- tears down all systems, CRT is not the goal, Internationality is the goal... data is the new gold
  • Different subjectivity has different truths- 'your' lived experience, different truths have...
1 CRT Toolkit- Heritage Action

Critical race theory (CRT) makes race the lens through which its proponents analyze all aspects of American life. CRT underpins identity politics, an ongoing effort to reimagine the United States as a nation driven by racial groups, each with specific claims on victimization. Ultimately, CRT weakens the public and private bonds that create trust and allow for civic engagement.  EXCELLENT RECOURSE... talking points, articles, action alerts. 

End Sexual Exploitation

The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) is the leading organization exposing the links between all forms of sexual abuse and exploitation. We are a nonprofit organization with a focus on a wide-ranging and interrelated array of topics including, but not limited to, child sexual abuse, child-on-child harmful sexual behavior, compulsive sexual behaviors, demand for sexual exploitation, illicit massage businesses, image-based sexual abuse, institutional sexual abuse, men’s violence against women, the neurological impacts of sexual trauma, the public health harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking, sexual harassment and assault, sexual objectification, stripping, as well as the intersection of these issues with technology.

We are nonpartisan and nonsectarian because the fight to end sexual...

Protect Child Health Coalition

The Protect Child Health Coalition (PCHC) is a network of concerned citizens, parents, professionals, leaders, and organizations representing the fields of law, academia, mental and physical health, politics, religion, government and more who believe that all children should be protected from harmful materials, especially pornographic, obscene, or erotic materials. We are a nonpartisan coalition that welcomes people of all faiths (and of no faith) who have an interest in protecting the health and innocence of children.

We oppose all efforts to advance autonomous sexual rights for children and believe that children have a right to a childhood, free from political, sexual, or other adult agendas.

What is Comprehensive Sex Education Program?

Safe Ed K-12 Task Force

MUST READ THIS ARTICLE AND VIEW POWERPOINT TO SEE WHAT OUR CHILDREN ARE BEING EXPOSED TO.... Ms. Kilmer says "We have prepared a PowerPoint Presentation that is extremely graphic in nature," however, she insists that "the supposed "porn and obscenity" is part of Florida's Sexuality Education forced on students as young as five years old , and please note, No minors will be allowed in the room during the  presentation."

Stop CSE

Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) is one of the greatest assaults on the health and innocence of children. This is because unlike traditional sex education, comprehensive sexuality education is highly explicit and promotes promiscuity and high-risk sexual behaviors to children as healthy and normal. CSE programs have an almost obsessive focus on teaching children how to obtain sexual pleasure in various ways. Yet, ironically, comprehensive sexuality education programs are anything but comprehensive as they fail to teach children about all of the emotional, psychological and physical health risks of promiscuous sexual activity.  The ultimate goal of CSE is to change the sexual and gender norms of society, which is why CSE could be more accurately called “abortion, promiscuity, and LGBT rights education.” CSE is a “rights-based” approach to sex education and promotes sexual rights to children at the expense of their sexual health. ...

Ascend Resources

Ascend champions youth to make healthy decisions in relationships and life by promoting well-being through a primary prevention strategy, and as a national membership and advocacy organization that serves, leads, represents and equips the Sexual Risk Avoidance (SRA) field.

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