corona children

Website Title Resource Summary
An Evidence Based Scientific Analysis of Why Masks are Ineffective

Key Points- post removed

  • Decades of the highest-level scientific evidence (meta-analyses of multiple randomized controlled trials) overwhelmingly conclude that medical masks are ineffective at preventing the transmission of respiratory viruses, including SAR-CoV-2.
  • Those arguing for masks are relying on low-level evidence (observational retrospective trials and mechanistic theories), none of which are powered to counter the evidence, arguments, and risks of mask mandates.
  • The majority of the population is at very low to almost no risk of severe or lethal disease from CoVID-19. Children are at an extraordinarily low risk of dying from CoVID-19. Based on CDC published data, 99.99815% of children that contract CoVID-19 survive.
  • Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 among children in schools and day cares is very rare....
CDC School Recommendations

Schools are an important part of the infrastructure of our communities, as they provide safe, supportive learning environments for students, employ teachers and other staff, and enable parents, guardians, and caregivers to work.  Schools also provide critical services that help meet the needs of children and families, especially those who are disadvantaged, through supporting the development of social and emotional skills, creating a safe environment for learning, identifying and addressing neglect and abuse, fulfilling nutritional needs, and facilitating physical activity.  School closure disrupts the delivery of in-person instruction and critical services to children and families, which has negative individual and societal ramifications.  The best available evidence from countries that have opened schools indicates that COVID-19 poses low risks to school-aged children, at least in areas with low community transmission, and suggests that children are unlikely to be major drivers...

CDC Director Compares Rate of Suicides to COVID-19 Deaths

Center for Disease Control Director Robert Redfield said in a Buck Institute webinar that suicides and drug overdoses have surpassed the death rate for COVID-19 among high school students. Redfield argued that lock downs and lack of public schooling constituted a disproportionally negative impact on young peoples’ mental health.

School Reopening Research
  1. What is the cited evidence that children spread the virus, especially documentation for Hillsborough County where there have been ZERO deaths of anyone ages 24 and under? 
  2. If face masks are mandatory, what is the protocol for: (additional research on masks)
    1. ​​​​​​Special needs, asthmatic and other children who cannot or should not wear? 
    2. Bullying of these students who cannot wear a mask for physical or medical reasons?
    3. Teachers at each grade level for the procedures and processes to monitor mask wearing? 
    4. Determining when is the mask no longer ‘safe’ and/or ‘healthy’ to wear?
    5. A student who contaminates another student’s mask? Disposing of contaminated masks?
    6. Informing parents of potential health issues: Hypoxia, Hypercapnia, impair one’s immunity & increases harmful viruses in nasal passages. 
    7. ...
Rapid Systematic Review: The Impact of Social Isolation and Loneliness on the Mental Health of Children and Adolescents in the Context of COVID-19

Children and adolescents are probably more likely to experience high rates of depression and probably anxiety during and after enforced isolation ends. This may increase as enforced isolation continues. Clinical services should offer preventative support and early intervention where possible and be prepared for an increase in mental health problems.

School age children more likely to be hit by lightning than die of coronavirus

"In school kids aged five to 14 it's not only a tiny risk, it's a tiny proportion of the normal risk," said Sir David, who is a member of the Government's Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage).

COVID-19 Planning Considerations: Guidance for School Re-entry

Cloth face coverings protect others if the wearer is infected with SARS CoV-2 and is not aware. Cloth masks may offer some level of protection for the wearer. Evidence continues to mount on the importance of universal face coverings in interrupting the spread of SARS-CoV-2. Although ideal, universal face covering use is not always possible in the school setting for many reasons. Some students, or staff, may be unable to safely wear a cloth face covering because of certain medical conditions (eg, developmental, respiratory, tactile aversion, or other conditions) or may be uncomfortable, making the consistent use of cloth face coverings throughout the day challenging.

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