Website Title Resource Summary
Large CDC Study Says School Mask Mandates Not Effective-90,000 students

The following article, Large CDC Study Says School Mask Mandates Not Effective.

The study, which analyzed some 90,000 elementary students in 169 Georgia schools from November 16 to December 11, found that there was no statistically significant difference in schools that required students to wear masks compared to schools where masks were optional. A large study sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control found that masking children in schools is not an effective means of mitigating the spread of the coronavirus.

The study found that there were no higher rates of COVID transmission in schools without a mask mandate than there were at schools with...

2017 CDC Sexual Risk Behaviors Can Lead to HIV, STDs, & Teen Pregnancy

Among U.S. high school students surveyed in 2017

  • 40% had ever had sexual intercourse.
  • 10% had four or more sexual partners.
  • 7% had been physically forced to have sexual intercourse when they did not want to.
  • 30% had had sexual intercourse during the previous 3 months, and, of these
    • 46% did not use a condom the last time they had sex.
    • 14% did not use any method to prevent pregnancy.
    • 19% had drunk alcohol or used drugs before last sexual intercourse.
  • Less than 10% of all students have ever been tested for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
Sexual Risk Behaviors Can Lead to HIV, STDs, & Teen Pregnancy
  • Half of all new STDs reported each year are among young people 15 to 24.
  • More than 46% of sexually active high school students did not use a condom the last time they had sex.
Many Young...
CDC admits at least 96% of deaths from Covid19 were WRONG

CDC Director Compares Rate of Suicides to COVID-19 Deaths

Lockdown kills more than Covid

Roughly 146,000 people have died from COVID or COVID-related causes in the U.S., according to CDC data.

The most recent publicized federal data records 48,000 deaths from suicide and at least 1.4 million attempts in 2018. In 2019, almost 71,000 people died from drug overdoses.

CDC Petition

Fertility Awareness Based Methods are left out of women’s viable family planning options in large part because the information published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) does not accurately reflect effectiveness rates for individual FABMs based on the highest quality research. Since many health professionals and medical organizations rely on the CDC for accurate information, it is important that we ask the CDC to update its website with evidence-based data that shows the accurate effectiveness rates of modern FABMs for preventing pregnancy.

Correct information is KEY to helping women make their own informed choices about family planning methods.

That is why we are asking you urgently to sign the petition below. We need 100,000 signatures to convince the CDC to reconsider this crucial issue, and to get them to update their website.

CDC- Coronavirus Alert 2- Barnhardt

The CDC’s Full Document Explaining Coding For CoronaCold-19

COVID-19 Alert No. 2   March 24, 2020    New ICD code introduced for COVID-19 deaths

This email is to alert you that a newly-introduced ICD code has been implemented to accurately capture mortality data for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) on death certificates.

Please read carefully and forward this email to the state statistical staff in your office who are involved in the preparation of mortality data, as well as others who may receive questions when the data are released.

What is the new code?   The new ICD code for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is U07.1, and below is how it will appear in formal tabular list format.

  • U07.1 COVID-19   Excludes: Coronavirus infection, unspecified site (B34.2)
  • Severe acute respiratory syndrome [SARS], unspecified (U04.9)
  • The WHO has provided a second code, U07.2, for...
COVID-19 Cases and Hospitalizations by COVID-19 Vaccination Status and Previous COVID-19 Diagnosis — California and New York, May–November 2021
Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings—Personal Protective and Environmental Measures

In this review, we did not find evidence to support a protective effect of personal protective measures or environmental measures in reducing influenza transmission.

Disposable medical masks (also known as surgical masks) are loose-fitting devices that were designed to be worn by medical personnel to protect accidental contamination of patient wounds, and to protect the wearer against splashes or sprays of bodily fluids (36). There is limited evidence for their effectiveness in preventing influenza virus transmission either when worn by the infected person for source control or when worn by uninfected persons to reduce exposure. Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza.

We did not consider the use of respirators in the community. Respirators are tight-fitting...

Sexually Transmitted Diseases- STDs

This link includes STD information with videos, brochures, fact sheets, videos, podcasts, prevention stories, inforgraphic... many Spanish version.

Fact Sheets: 

How You Can Prevent Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Bacterial Vaginosis – CDC Fact Sheet
Chlamydia – CDC Fact Sheet
Congenital Syphilis – CDC Fact Sheet
Genital Herpes – CDC Fact Sheet
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