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Vaccine, Healthy Freedom

Making the Provincetown “Bear Week” outbreak the basis of national policy is obviously foolish, but the White House press corps isn’t badgering Jen Psaki with questions about this bizarre situation. Meanwhile, the media seem intent on ignoring the fact that the “surge” of new COVID-19 cases they so breathlessly report hasn’t been accompanied by a significant rise in the death toll from the virus.


Sky News Australia said the suspension was over “old videos” posted on its channel.

The strike means that Sky News Australia is suspended for a week from uploading content to its 1.85 million subscribers on its YouTube account.


A grave injustice to our freedom. 99% of the people were there peacefully protesting the fraudulent election but the media propagandizes it differently!

A crane operator from Florida who breached the U.S. Senate chamber carrying a Trump campaign flag was sentenced Monday to eight months behind bars, the first punishment handed down for a felony charge in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot and one that could help determine the severity of other sentences in hundreds of pending cases.

patriotpaul, chamberlain, America Out Loud

Article by Cathi Chamberlain

Known affectionately to his local Trump flag-waving groups as “Patriot Paul,” he’s a 38-year-old Eagle Scout with an unblemished record and a blue-collar worker at a steel manufacturing plant for the past seven years. His two cats are his kids. The $800 per month place he lives in might be a rental, but it is home to him. Just a very humble fellow who always paid his bills, had a promotion coming, and felt secure with the nest egg he’d painstakingly grown over the years. Now all of that is gone.

patriotpaul, America Out Loud

This explosive segment explores the experience of Paul Hodgkins, the 38-year-old patriot who entered the Capitol on January 6th, donning a Trump t-shirt and carrying a Trump flag. Unarmed and causing harm to no one, he has been portrayed by the Prosecutor as “a dangerous threat to democracy.” Listen in as Malcolm flushes out what it was like to be one of the actual participants inside the Capitol that day. The chaos, the prayers, the surreal emotions one man experienced, and how those short 20 minutes changed Paul Hodgkins’ life forever.


KrisAnne Hall:  In conjuction with Liberty First Legal, Inc., I have created for you a "No Trespassing" sign for your property.  Choose one as the owner of the property or one as the renter of the property.  Posting this sign along with the Written "No Trespass Warning" will ensure that you can satisfied the laws protecting your private property and legally Trespass any person or persons, even agents of the government in most circumstances, from entering your property.  Download and print the signs at the end of this article.

Traditional Catholicism

We don’t want to admit it: The people we’re fighting are monsters. We desperately try to deny it: We’re governed by our enemies. Our soul shrinks at accepting it: We confront the doctrines of demons.

If you’re a nice, normal person you don’t want to admit that. It seems somehow “un-Christian.” But as St. Augustine once said, “God doesn’t need your lie.” Read this story, about a public school teacher coaching first-graders to masturbate. No, seriously, force yourself to go read it. 

Current Topics

Wikipedia has 230,000 volunteer editors who work on crowdsourced articles and more than 3,500 “administrators” who can take actions such as blocking accounts or restricting edits on certain pages, according to a Reuters article.

Tradition Family Property, CRT

Lies, Half-Truths, and Inconsistencies

Among the author’s many points about The 1619 Project are five major errors listed below.

1. 1619 removes American slavery from any context. It never acknowledges that slavery existed (and continues to exist) in other cultures, places and eras. For instance, it never mentions that slavery existed in the Americas long before any Europeans arrived. It does not point out that most Africans were initially enslaved by other Africans and then sold to European slave traders.

Vaccine, Healthy Freedom

June 24, 2021 (American Thinker) – Based on official data from Open Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 5,993 Americans have died out of 146,171,792 Americans who are fully vaccinated as of June 11. This corresponds to a ratio of about four deaths out of 100,000 who are fully vaccinated.

Chris Plante

  • Public school system - school to prison pipeline
  • New reporters- report/stand-up set
  • spokesperson/spokes models
  • Firearms rarely take it upon themselves to shoot people
  • Guilt vs. Gratitude
  • Sign of civil  society is domestic animals


CRT Articles, Mike Gonzalez

How would you feel if your child came home from school and said her teacher had told her that everything that happens in the world is “racist” and that she’s part of the problem because of the color of her skin?

That may sound far-fetched, but such disturbing ideas are coming to your children’s schools, if they are not there already.

Faith and Freedom, Jaroch, Elections

In a breakout session on state legislative victories, Karen Jaroch of Heritage Action for America suggested that attendees themselves throw their hats into the political ring.

“Police officers keep us safe,” he continued, beginning to allude to more specific policy debates. “Marriage is a holy covenant before God. An unborn child is a child. Children do best when they’re raised by a mother and a father. Israel is our friend.”

Pokorsky, Catholic Thing, Traditional Catholicism

Indeed, to a large extent, priests and bishops ceased to be relevant shepherds and became sheep of the culture, wholly-owned subsidiaries of liberal fashions. Over the past fifty years “The Role of the Church in the Modern World” became “The Role of the Modern World in the Church.”

Fifty years of “Please, like me!” tactics haven’t worked. Despite our best efforts, we have become irrelevant. Let’s try something new – and old. Let’s try the truth of the Gospel:

• Men, be faithful to your wives in marriage. Be kind and considerate. If you are involved with porn, give it up. Just do it.

Healthy Freedom, MCCULLOUGH

It is a 48 minute discussion with Dr. Peter McCullough (cardiologist from Texas A&M) and Reiner Fuelmich (German attorney) talking about the COVID-19 shots last Friday, June 11th.  It is fantastic! Share with anyone who will listen.  We need to spread the word of truth.  This video gave me a little ray of hope!  We are NOT alone in this fight.

Healthy Freedom

Notice anything glaringly obvious... I sure hope the parents speak up!.

2021 Legislation

Yet, during the most recent annual Legislative Session, the pro-life-majority Florida Legislature failed to get any anti-abortion legislation to the desk of Governor Ron DeSantis.  As will be explained below, Florida’s failure to enact any abortion restrictions whatsoever is inexcusable, especially because 2021 has been rightfully termed the “Year of the Unborn Baby” due to a record amount of state pro-life legislative activity.




According to Houston Methodist policy, employees have until June 7 to get vaccinated or risk losing their jobs.

The lawsuit claims Houston Methodist “is forcing its employees to be human ‘guinea pigs’ as a condition for continued employment,” calling the vaccine “experimental,” since it was granted emergency use authorization but has not received FDA approval.

covid, overdose, Substance Abuse

San Francisco, California, is in the midst of a drug overdose epidemic that killed more residents last year than the coronavirus and is on pace to be even worse in 2021.

More than 700 San Franciscans died from drug overdoses last year, compared to 300 deaths as a result of coronavirus infections, the San Francisco Chronicle reported Saturday.

Vaccine, Healthy Freedom

Every flu season, we give influenza shots to more than 160 million Americans. Every year, a relatively small number of people seem to die after getting those shots. To be precise, in 2019, that number was 203 people. The year before, it was 119. In 2017, a total of 85 people died from the flu shot. 
