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We are an anti-abortion, pro-life, non profit organization that exposes the truth about abortion and counter the misinformation campaign of the multi-billion dollar abortion industry and lobby. Today, we host the largest online presence for the right to life, pro-life movement, with millions of supporters and volunteers throughout the United States, but it all began in a living room.  Lila Rose

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More women died from LEGAL abortion (25 women died) than an illegal abortion (19 women died) the year Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973.

Making the killing of preborn children legal DID NOT make abortion "safe.” Abortion always kills the preborn child and sometimes kills the mom, too.  

Yet, abortion advocates continue to push their false talking point that thousands (if not millions) of women would die if Roe v. Wade was overturned. Let’s be clear: No more lives should be lost to abortion.

abortion facts, Live Action
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