Family Values

Website Titlesort ascending Resource Summary
Voice of the Family

Voice of the Family is an initiative of Catholic laity from major pro-life and pro-family organizations. We have formed to offer our expertise and resources before, during and after the Synod on the Family 2014-15.  a lay initiative formed in support of catholic teaching on the family

Catholic, International, Rome, Pro-Family, pro-life, Publications
TFP Student Action

Networking with thousands of students and concerned parents, TFP Student Action defends traditional moral values on college campuses. Inspired by the teachings of the Holy Catholic Church, TFP volunteers are on the front lines of the culture war, working to restore the values of Christian civilization.

College, Parents, Action Alert Resources
Strong Marriages Florida

The Strong Marriages Florida culture campaign is a ministry project of the Florida Family Policy Council in cooperation with churches, denominations, community marriage initiatives, marriage counselors, and community leaders across the state.

Florida, Marriage, FLFamily
St. Gianna Center

St. Gianna’s Center for Women’s Health and Fertility Care is a non-profit entity that provides professional instruction on planning families and NaPro Technology, a new women's health science that monitors and maintains a woman's reproductive and gynecological health by providing cooperative solutions for infertility and many other reproductive and gynecological issues from the first menses (period) through to menopause.
St. Gianna’s Center provides Education Programs for those interested in becoming a Fertility Care Practitioner or Medical Consultant. We also provide outreach programs in the community through dynamic speakers who present to various age groups and organization types.

Educational Programs, Fertility, Tampa Bay
Pure Flix- Family Friendly and Christian Movies
Family, Movie
One Million Moms

Mom, are you fed up with the filth many segments of our society, especially the entertainment media, are throwing at our children? Are you tired of all the negative influences our children are forced to contend with? If so, we urge you to become a member of

Action Alert Resources
Natural Womanhood

I stopped relying on chemicals And started listening to my body.

Women are told that contraceptives are harmless. Powerful drugs or devices are pushed on them as the only effective birth control methods or even as medical treatment. We believe women deserve better.  Our goal is to inform all women about the risks of contraceptives and the benefits of fertility charting for health and effective pregnancy planning.

Fertility, Health

The vision of More2Life is clear and simple, to help students make healthy choices. Since 1998 that has been achieved by providing in-school and after-school presentations throughout Pinellas County to over 130,000 students! More2Life presentations are fun and interactive while our Educators cover important topics such as goal setting, healthy relationships, influences and consequences.

Youth, Florida, Pinellas
Marriage Today

OUR MISSION  There is a fierce battle being fought for marriage in America right now, but we can win it. We want to raise the standard. We want to give people help and hope to succeed in marriage.   Videos, articles, events, resources.... 

Heritage Action for America

The Heritage Action is branch of Heritage Foundation effectively communicates rigorous conservative policy research to Congress and the American people. Scroll to bottom of the page to sign up for Action Alert.   Scorecard


Action Alert Resources, National, Scorecards
Florida Family Association- Defending American Values

Florida Family Association is a national organization that is made up of tens of thousands of online subscribers across America who share in the same goal of defending American values.  These supporters send close to two million emails every month to corporate and public officials associated with issues posted on this web site.  Florida Family Association's accomplishments are a direct result of the dedicated people across the country who support the efforts of this organization.  The organization is not an affiliate or subsidiary of any other group.  It is an independent organization with tens of thousands of supporters outside of Florida.

Florida, Action Alert Resources
Florida Alliance for Choices in Education

Florida Alliance for Choices in Education (F.A.C.E.) was founded in 2010 as a means to expand school choice options with fair and equal access whether the option is public, private or home school. Currently there are barriers in place that prevent parents from accessing the best school choice option for their child.  Parents from all areas of school choice need to unite with one voice so barriers can be removed to help all Florida children receive the education that best meets their needs.

2017 CRC
Family Research Council

As God is the Author of life, Family Research Council recognizes and respects the inherent dignity of every human life from conception (whether by natural or artificial means) until death. FRC desires to help build a culture of life, holding that all human life is a gift to be treasured. The life of every human being is an intrinsic good, not something whose value is conditional upon its usefulness to others or to the state.

Action Alert Resources, Family Research Council
Facts About Fertility

FACTS is the Fertility Appreciation Collaborative, a group comprised of physicians, other health care professionals and educators working together to Teach the Science of natural or fertility awareness based methods (FABMs) of family planning.

Through the FACTS group, we strive to educate our colleagues and clients about scientifically sound, evidence based methods of family planning that are built on an understanding of our natural, reproductive physiology.  Based on this knowledge, we hope people will value their fertility and the way the body is designed to function.  It is more than simply an awareness ~ we want to nurture an appreciation for one’s biological ability to produce new life.

Fertility, Physicians, Pregnancy
Christian Action News

Christian Action News is published for the sole purpose to educate, motivate and activate the Silent Majority to effect peaceful and positive change. Christian Action News covers issues which typically goes unreported, under-reported, or simply misreported by the establishment media.

Our vision is that all Christians will activate their faith into action, being salt and light to a world that is desperate for the truth. 

Our goal is for Christians to uphold Godly values and to live their daily lives in the morals and principles of a Godly nation.

Newsletter, News
CDC Petition

Fertility Awareness Based Methods are left out of women’s viable family planning options in large part because the information published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) does not accurately reflect effectiveness rates for individual FABMs based on the highest quality research. Since many health professionals and medical organizations rely on the CDC for accurate information, it is important that we ask the CDC to update its website with evidence-based data that shows the accurate effectiveness rates of modern FABMs for preventing pregnancy.

Correct information is KEY to helping women make their own informed choices about family planning methods.

That is why we are asking you urgently to sign the petition below. We need 100,000 signatures to convince the CDC to reconsider this crucial issue, and to get them to update their website.

CDC, Petition, Fertility
BBC Outlook

Inspirational podcasts- Variety of stories about heros in our own communitities.

Angels in the Water Book
Alliance Defending Freedom

Every Life is Worth Defending

The Church Alliance was established to support the ever growing needs of churches across the United States. Launched in 2017, it has steadily developed into a robust service to protect, counsel and engage churches for their religious liberty.

Church Alliance

National, Attorneys, Training, Action Alert Resources, Pastors, church
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